JMB Shipping Agency
Your Reliable Partner for Shipping Solutions
Port Agency
We offer a wide range of services, from cargo operations including customs clearance and cargo movements to services related to the maritime asset itself, including repairs, spares for maintenance, surveys and inspections, towage, pilots, crew logistics and anything else the vessel needs while in port.
Cargo Handling
Safety is our top priority, and we go above and beyond to ensure the secure transportation of your goods. With a focus on compliance, risk management, and advanced tracking technologies.
Customs Clearances
Our customs clearance agent understand the challenges faced by global business and are update with the latest incustoms compliance, regulations & procedures. This helps us provide the best customs handling process and prevent you from paying unnecessary costs. Our customized solutions help you take informed decisions, reduce lead time, optimize cash flow, and keep taxes to a minimum.​
With time, and with increased globalization of supply chains, Ocean Freight has become more complex. JMB Shipping Agency offers unprecedented value in this regard, with its ability to integrate international air freight forwarding, international sea freight forwarding, and logistics into a seamless, optimal Distribution Solution.
Regulatory Compliance
We employ a team of skilled logistics and maritime professionals as well as regulatory compliance experts. We have the in-house expertise to advise, plan, and execute shipments of all types to and from any location in the world, no matter how great the challenge, while ensuring our clients’ compliance with various regulatory requirements. Whether clearing and delivering spare parts to a vessel, identifying routing improvements to cut costs, or moving an entire factory overseas.
Phone: 686-753-81141
Mobile: 686-730-30652
Kiritimati, Kiribati